[vc_row alt_color=”” alt_bg_color=”” parallax=”” full_width=”” full_screen=”” background_overlay=”” mask=”” mask_style=”50″ vertical_align=”” padding_size=”” el_class=””][vc_column alt_color=”” alt_bg_color=”” text_align=”” padding_size=”” el_class=”” width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]DIAGNOSIS OF TM DISORDERS
TMD diagnosis is a complex and often daunting process. This explains why physicians and dentists who are not board-certified orofacial and craniofacial pain specialists may miss a potential TMJ disorder in a patient that is suffering from chronic head, neck and/or facial pain.
How is the diagnosis made?
The usual evaluation of the TMJ involves a physical examination of the muscles of the head, face, neck and shoulder with manual palpation. The doctor feels for muscle spasm and rules out “trigger points” which can refer pain to other areas. Ranges of Motion Studies–measurements of jaw movement when moving side to side and on full opening of the mouth, are assessed. General skeletal alignment is also assessed. Additionally, radiographs allow us to see actual pictures of the joint components and their relative state of health. In many cases, additional tests may be recommended. At our office we also utilize the latest in computer diagnostics to measure and record jaw joint activity and jaw movement.
We use the latest in computerized diagnostic modalities including EMG (electromyography), ENG (Electrognathology-Jaw Tracking) and JVA (Joint Vibration Analysis). The use of EMG, ENG and JVA along with radiographs allows for a more accurate determination of the nature or type of TMD experienced.[/vc_column_text][team_slider count=”10″ visible_items=”3″ show_navigation=”true” show_pagination=”true” auto_play=”true” posts_query=”order_by:date|order:DESC|tax_query:53″ animation=”fadeIn”][/team_slider][/vc_column][/vc_row]